The Schurch Family Association publishes a family newsletter semi-annually, in April and November. The newsletter contains information on new findings about our family history, genealogies, research queries, Association activities and other items of interest to our readers. To cover the printing and mailing costs there is a nominal subscription charge.
Excerpts from the November 2023 issue can be found by clicking on the following link: Newsletter Excerpts.
November Newsletter Cover Page
Back issues are available.
Contact Tom Shirk @ or
Cary Adams at if you would like one or several.
Subscription Information
Effective February 1, 2014, Newsletter subscription rates are $16 for a 1-year subscription, $29 for a 2-year subscription and $40 for a 3-year subscription. These rates will be for both US and Canadian subscriptions.
If ordering from the United States, please mail your check or money order, in U.S. funds, to the American Treasurer. If ordering from Canada, please mail your cheque or money order, in Canadian funds, to the Canadian Treasurer. Get a price break by ordering a two or three-year term.
Make your cheque or money order out to The Schürch Family Association.
Newsletter Subscription Form
To order your subscription download, print the form and mail it in to the appropriate address. This form can also be filled in on line and emailed to the appropriate treasurer. The payment will still have to be mailed in.
American Treasurer: Jack Sherick
18 N.Pine St. , Apt 2, Lancaster, PA17603
Canadian Treasurer: Laurine Mills
1750 Killaly St. E., Port Colborne, ON L3K 5V3
FREE digital copy of the “Table of Contents” and “Every Name Index” based on all newsletters published 1983-2017.
This is a vital resource for researchers and newsletter subscribers. Request from Cary Adams He will email you a pdf version of the Table of Contents and Index for the years 1983 to 2017.