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Organizational Charter and Bylaws of the Schurch Family
Association of North America

November 6, 2010

1. Name and Founding

The association shall be known as "The Schürch Family Association of North America." The association was founded in the year 1982 as an informal family association, later adopting its present name.

2. Headquarters

The headquarters of the association will be located at the address of the current association secretary.

3. Purpose

The association shall have as its purpose the discovery, preservation, compilation, dissemination and promotion of information pertaining to the history and heritage of the subject family in North America. Preservation and publication of genealogical records by members is supported and encouraged. A further purpose of the association is to actively foster communication and friendship between members through the sponsoring of family reunions. The above purposes and attendant activities shall be accomplished without pecuniary profit to the Executive Committee, officers, or members, and any balance of money remaining after the full payment of financial obligations of all and any kind shall be devoted solely to the above stated purposes.

4. Membership

Membership in the association is open to all persons and families throughout North America who have an ancestral connection or historical interest in the family surname in any of its various spellings. Some of the common variations are: Sherk, Sherck, Shirk, Sherick, Sherrick, Sharick, Scherch, Scherck, Scherich, Scherk, Schirch, and Schurch. Other spellings also exist.

5. Organization

5.1 Executive Committee

The executive committee of the association shall direct all affairs of the association and be responsible for their oversight. The executive committee shall consist of the following officers:

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer United States, Treasurer Canada, Past Presidents, Historical Committee Chairperson, and Newsletter Editor.

5.2 Standing Committees and Other Committees

All committees shall be subject to the oversight and guidance of the Executive Committee.

5.2.1 Standing Committees

The association shall have the following standing committees, formed biennially, whose responsibilities are detailed elsewhere.

1.  A Reunion Committee
2.  A Newsletter Committee
3.  A Historical Committee
4.  A Publications Committee

Other standing committees may be established by the executive Committee as required. The President shall nominate, and the Executive Committee approve, chairpersons of the standing committees for a two year term. Chairpersons shall select committee members and advise the President accordingly.

5.2.2 Other Committees

The President shall appoint other ad hoc committees as are considered necessary to properly conduct the affairs of the association, without approval of the Executive Committee. Ad hoc committees may function no longer than two years unless the Executive either extends the term of the committee, or gives the committee the stature of a standing committee.

5.3 Election of Officers

The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer United States, Treasurer Canada, Historical Committee Chairperson and Newsletter Editor shall be elected to office at the biennial family reunion. The term of office shall be for two (2) years. Nominees for office shall be selected by the Executive Committee and placed before the entire membership present at the biennial family reunion for election by simple majority. In case of resignation, decease, or removal from office, the remainder of the Executive Committee shall select a member to fill the unexpired term.

The Past Presidents are lifetime members of the Executive Committee and are not subject to biennial election.

5.4 Meetings

5.4.1 Reunion Meetings

The association shall convene a general family reunion biennially. The reunion committee will be responsible for all arrangements at the reunion meeting.

5.4.2 Executive Committee Meetings

The Executive Committee shall convene such meetings as are necessary to conduct the business of the association. The President shall call meetings of the Executive Committee and preside over the meetings. Executive Committee meetings may also be convened at the request of a simple majority of the standing Executive Committee. A quorum of two-thirds of the standing Executive Committee shall be required to conduct association business. Absentee ballots on important matters shall be allowed if signed and submitted in advance of the meeting and will constitute a committee member's presence for quorum purposes. At the discretion of the President, association business may be conducted by mail, with members of the Executive Committee casting ballots by mail. In such cases, the President shall make full, complete and open disclosure to all members of the Executive Committee regarding the balloting of each member.

5.5 Removal From Office

The Executive Committee shall have the responsibility for ensuring that all affairs of the association are conducted with the highest level of ethics, integrity and moral standards. The Executive Committee shall have sole responsibility for removing any member of the Executive Committee from office whose conduct is not in accordance with such standards. A three-quarters majority of the Executive Committee shall be required to remove a person from the Executive Committee.

5.6 Officer Responsibilities

5.6.1 President

Presides over the Executive Committee meetings. Provides overall guidance to the Executive Committee and administers the decisions of the Executive Committee. Convenes meetings of the Executive Committee to conduct business. Presides over the biennial reunion meeting. Conducts strategic planning and advances the interests of the association. Oversees the nomination process. Maintains the association emblems, ie. Swiss Bell and Association Crest, and ensures that emblems are transferred to the new president at the end their tenure in office.

5.6.2 Vice President

Presides over the reunion committee. Responsible for the organization and oversight of all arrangements for the association biennial reunion.

5.6.3 Secretary

Maintains all association records. Records minutes of meetings and records reunion events and functions. Acts as headquarters address for the association. Handles all formal external correspondence. Replies to membership and information queries and refers research queries to appropriate historical advisors. Promotes interests of the association.

5.6.4 Treasurer United States

Maintains all financial accounts of the association in the United States. Collects and disburses monies. Produces yearly financial statements of accounts maintained. Coordinates fund transfers with the Canadian Treasurer as required. Advises on financial matters.

5.6.5 Treasurer Canada

Maintains all financial accounts of the association in Canada. Collects and disburses monies. Produces yearly financial statements of accounts maintained. Coordinates fund transfers with the United States Treasurer as required. Advises on financial matters.

5.6.6 Past Presidents

Act as members of the Executive Committee and advise and consent on matters of the association.

5.6.7 Historical Committee Chairperson

Acts as a member of the Executive Committee and advises on matters pertaining to historical research and heritage preservation.

5.7 Standing Committee Responsibilities

5.7.1 Reunion Committee

Responsible for planning, promoting and conducting the association biennial family reunion.

Issues annual report to the Executive Committee summarizing actions. Prepares final report on biennial reunion summarizing all relevant aspects.

5.7.2 Newsletter Committee

Responsible for planning, organizing, editing, publishing, distributing and promoting the association family newsletter. Issues annual report to the Executive Committee summarizing all relevant aspects, including a financial summary.

5.7.3 Historical Committee

Responsible for conducting coordinated genealogical research as required to support the association's stated purposes. Provides guidance, advice and assistance in genealogical research methods to anyone seeking to discover their Schürch ancestral connections. Issues annual report to the Executive Committee.

5.7.4 Publications Committee

Responsible for planning, organizing, editing, publishing and distributing all association publications other than the family newsletter. Issues reports to the Executive Committee as requested by the President.

6. Finances

6.1 Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the association shall run from July 1 to June 30 each year.

6.2 Accounts

All funds, other than petty cash, shall be kept in recognized banking and savings and loan institutions. The treasures shall maintain adequate and correct records of account transactions.

6.3 Disbursement of Funds

The treasurers shall disburse monies that have been approved by the President for expenditure.

The Executive Committee shall establish the maximum amount that the President may approve for disbursement without consulting the Executive Committee.

6.4 Financial Reports

The Treasurers will each submit written annual reports to the Executive Committee for the fiscal year ending June 30th. The report will detail the transactions and balances in the accounts over which they maintain control.

6.5 Audits

The Executive Committee may cause the account books of both Treasurers to be audited to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee at least once every two years.

7. Amendments

A proposal to amend these Bylaws may be presented at any Executive Committee meeting after having been disseminated in writing to the Executive Committee members at least sixty days prior to such meeting. Upon approval by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Executive Committee, the proposed amendment will be adopted. The amendment will become effective after having been published in the next issue of the family newsletter, or announced at the biennial family reunion, whichever is first.



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    Association of North America


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