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Membership: Membership is automatic for all persons and families throughout North America who have ancestral connection to the family surname in any of its various spellings. The Association has no dues. Anyone with an ancestral connection to the family surname, including maternal lines, is automatically a member.

Purpose: The association is dedicated to the discovery, preservation, compilation, dissemination, and promotion of the family’s heritage. Preservation and publication of genealogical records by members is supported and encouraged. The association actively fosters communication and friendship among members through the sponsorship of family reunions.

Officers: Every two years at the biennial reunion, a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurers (U.S. and Canada) are elected to serve a two-year term. These officers, along with the Historical Committee Chairperson, Newsletter Editor and the Past Presidents, comprise the Executive Committee which directs the affairs of the Association.

Reunions: Reunions are held every two years at locations in North America with a Schürch heritage. The reunions are attended by Schürch ‘cousins’ from across North America, representing many of the various branches of the family. Attendance at these events has been as high as 700 participants. Usually held for two days during a summer weekend the reunions typically feature a diverse schedule of events including genealogy seminars, tours of Schürch landmarks and homesteads, an auction and delicious home style meals. Go to the Reunions page to see highlights of the most recent reunion and/or information about the next reunion.

The Executive


The Executive consists of the officers as listed above in the section on officers, directs all affairs of the association and is responsible for their oversight. It meets as often as needed  to conduct the business of the association. The president calls and presides over the meetings. For a list of the current members click on Executive.

Charter and Bylaws


The association was founded in the year 1982 as an informal family association, later adopting its present name.

Our charter is open for all to read. Click on Charter and Bylaws.

Swiss Article on North American Schürchs


Attached for your information is the article on the Schürch Family written by Cyril Beck and published in the August 9, 2014 edition of the Berner Zeitung daily newspaper in Switzerland.


Cyril Beck asked some questions in preparation for writing the article. Joe Sherk, the association’s past president, answered them with input from others.  He had the article translated into English. Click here to read the article.

The Committees

There are a variety of committees to accomplish the goals of the organization.

Historical: is responsible for conducting coordinated genealogical research as required to support the association’s stated purposes. It  provides guidance, advice and assistance in genealogical research methods to anyone seeking to discover their Schürch ancestral connections.

Newsletter: is published twice a year in April and November. The newsletter committee is headed up by Cary Adams, the editor. All members are encouraged to send items for publication to him. Stories about Schürchs, living and not, and ones that are related to genealogical research are of particular interest.  Cary’s e-mail address is For subscription information go to  Newsletter in the Menu.

Publications: is responsible for planning, organizing, editing, publishing and distributing all association publications other than the family newsletter.

Reunion: is responsible for planning, promoting and conducting the association’s biennial family reunion.

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